water softener

The Benefits of Installing a Water Softener

Are you considering getting a water softener for your home but are still on the fence about purchasing one? Here is a brief explanation of what a water softener does as well as five benefits they have to offer for you, your home, and belongings.

So, what is a water softener?

Water straight out of the ground is naturally “hard,” meaning it contains hard mineral particles. A water softener is a device that removes those particles from the water to make it “soft.” A typical water softener is a mechanical appliance that is installed and plumbed into your home’s existing water system.

What are the benefits of a water softener?

Now that you have a basic understanding of what a softener does, here are some of the benefits of having one installed: Read more

Ask the Lafayette Indiana plumber questions!

What does a water test find?

Safe water is critical to your health. Sometimes a strange color or odor can clue you in to a problem with your home drinking water, but some of the most harmful contaminants can’t be tasted or smelled. A water test can identify contaminants and allow you to take the necessary steps to correct any problems that have developed.

There are a lot of things that can make your home drinking water less than ideal. Common contaminants include:

+Bacteria- there are two types that can be found in your water:

– “nuisance”bacteria are not necessarily harmful to your health, but they can be harmful to your well by releasing iron and sulfur into the water and forming a biofilm on the surfaces of the well.

– disease-causing bacteria are harmful to your health and should be removed from your water supply. These can include e. coli, coliform, fecal coliform, and fecal streptococci, among others. Read more

Brenneco Plumbing helps unclog drains!

Simple drain cleaning tips!

A clogged drain is a nuisance, no doubt. A toilet that won’t flush or a sink or tub that won’t drain can certainly put a damper on your day. Before we look at home remedies to clear a clog, let’s discuss ways to prevent a clog in the first place:

1. Place a strainer over each drain. This will catch food, hair, and other items before they enter the drain.

2. Keep drains and pipes clear of buildup by running hot water after every use. This will help wash away any residue and keep water flowing freely!

3. Baking soda and vinegar are great natural cleaners. Add these to your drain, followed by hot water, to keep it free of clogs.

Sometimes, though, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves standing ankle-deep in water when we step into the shower, or scrambling to shut off the water when the toilet is about to overflow. Here are some simple ways you can try to clear a clog without using potentially harmful chemicals or hiring a professional: Read more

Brenneco Plumbing fixes stinky water!

Why does my water smell?

It can be pretty unsettling to turn on the faucet and get a whiff of rotten eggs. Or to take a sip of tap water and instead of quenching your thirst, getting a metallic taste in your mouth. While bad tasting or smelling water is unpleasant, it’s not uncommon. Finding the source of the problem is the first step to returning to odorless, clean tasting water.

If the problem is the rotten egg smell, the culprit is likely hydrogen sulfide. Water absorbs this gas as it travels through the ground. The gas is vented from your tap water when you turn on the faucet. An aeration system can pump air into the water to turn the gas into elemental sulfur, which can be removed with a filtration system. And you once again have odorless water!

If the smell is more musty or earthy in nature, then Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) might be the issue. TDS are any compounds left in your drinking water after the normal treatment and filtration process. They originate from natural sources such as sewage, urban and agricultural run-off, and industrial wastewater. In addition to the musty/earthy smell, TDS can also give your water a salty, bitter, or metallic taste. Doesn’t exactly sound refreshing, does it? No worries, though, because a water filtration system can help give your family the best drinking water possible! Read more

Ask the Lafayette Indiana plumber questions!

Why is my basement flooding?

Basements can flood at any time. There are those who know the moment the forecast shows torrential rains heading towards Lafayette, Indiana that they must roll up their sleeves and get ready for battle against the incoming water that never drains properly. We also have the overconfident homeowner who stands firm that their home has never flooded and never will. If you have a basement, you’re at risk. Don’t be fooled.

We know basements can flood during large rainfalls or when snow melts rapidly. Basements can also be at risk in the driest of weather. Storm sewer backups, clogged drain lines, foundation leaks and groundwater can all cause unwanted water to make its way into your basement. Since they occupy the lowest level of the home, basements are below ground level and, by nature, susceptible to flooding.  Sometimes, the slope of the land your home is built upon can allow water to accumulate and have nowhere to go but let gravity take over. Read more

Lafayette Indiana Plumbers that do Drain cleaning and Drain Service.

What is a video drain inspection and how does it work?

Plumbing in Lafayette, Indiana has gone high tech. Say goodbye to the days of guessing where a drain line or sewer blockage might be. No more random hole digging in your yard leaving the neighbors to take bets on if you’re going to make their day and install a swimming pool. Plumbers can now utilize high resolution video cameras for video drain inspections. These offer a real-time look at the drain lines throughout your home and offer a view inside pipes buried under your house or embedded in a cement foundation.

The genius behind the camera is your best asset. Our trained Lafayette, Indiana area plumbers can diagnose the issues as they appear onscreen. The flexible video tube allows the camera to easily turn corners, snake through tight spots, and see existing or potential problems. If there is a blockage present, and the camera can break through it, you may be able to see as far as the city sewer lines. Read more

Brenneco Plumbing | Greater Lafayette Plumber

Should I buy a tankless water heater?

Tankless water heaters are the newest advancement in water heaters. While they aren’t as new as they used to be, many still don’t know if their home is the right place for one. As a Lafayette Plumber, we see so many types of homes and families. There is no way to give a blanket answer to the question.

The best we can do is walk you through the good, the bad, and the ugly of choosing a tankless water heater.

The Good

Tankless water heaters are more energy efficient and cost less to operate.

Tankless water heaters only use energy when they heat the water. Traditional water heaters use gas to heat water even if you’re not using it. This wasted energy costs you money! Water heaters that use tanks are programmed to keep the water in the tank ready at all times. This means you pay for “stand by” heat. Read more

Brenneco Plumbing | Lafayette, IN Professional Plumber

How do I know if I have hard water?

Hard water is typically pretty easy to diagnose. It leaves signs and symptoms everywhere you use water. Hard water is the term we use for water that has more minerals such as calcium, magnesium carbonate, and manganese than normal. These minerals are, more often than not, introduced at the water source.

Does it seem like your dish washer has a hard time getting your dishes clean? Are you seeing staining in your toilet or tub? Does it seem hard to “lather” your soap in the shower? Does it seem like your coffee maker or other appliances that depend on water seem to malfunction or quit working efficiently?

While these minerals are natural and may not expressly represent any health concerns, they can wreak havoc on your skin, clothes, dishes, plumbing, and appliances. Hard water is HARD on everything it comes in to contact with.

The good news is this, it’s not a new problem. According to the US Geological survey, 85% of homes deal with hard water.

The quickest and easiest way to tell if you have hard water is to do a water test. It’s fairly easy to get a water test, you can even do it yourself. You can buy one, online, here. Read more

Quality drinking water from the tap with Brenneco Plumbing.

Tired of Water Bottles? Get great drinking water from the Tap!

That moment when you reach into the refrigerator for a bottle of water, only to realize you forgot to buy a case, or two, or three. You’re thirsty – really thirsty. Your tap water leaves much to be desired. Not only would you never serve it to parched guests, you wouldn’t drink it in the zombie apocalypse. You’re not a happy camper.

We’ve all been there, right?

Before you roll your eyes in frustration, and restock the refrigerator shelves, imagine what would it be like if you had a water softener system installed in your home. A system that makes water bottles obsolete and leaves the water in your home thirst quenching to the last drop. A one-stop water shop open 24 hours a day. Take a few moments to consider how a home water filter might save you time, money, and also benefit the environment.

Water conditioning, such as reverse osmosis systems and water softeners, are nothing new. The system’s water filter separates salt, deposits, minerals, and even odors from the water entering your home. The water you drink passes through the filter’s membrane into a tank where it is stored and ready to drink. It becomes clean water free from impurities. Read more

Man thinking about which plumber to choose.

What Water Softener should I buy?

What water softener should I buy?

We get asked this question with frequency! So don’t worry, you are not alone. It’s easy to spot hard water problems, it’s difficult to figure out how to solve them.

“Hard water” is the term we use when discussing water that has excess minerals present. These minerals are, more often than not, introduced at the water source. The problems associated with hard water are easy to spot. Does it seem like your dish washer has a hard time getting your dishes clean? Are you seeing staining in your toilet or tub? Does it seem hard to “lather” your soap in the shower? Does it seem like your coffee maker or other appliances that depend on water seem to malfunction or quit working efficiently?

These are all definite signs of hard water. To verify, you can do your own water test. You can buy one online here. Read more