Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration

Don’t Want to Drink Smelly or Rusty Water

women smelling bad water

Although O.K. to drink, water with nasty smells and discoloration can be hard to swallow.

No one likes to drink smelly or rusty water.  Both of which are common problems in our area.  In many homes water smells like rotten eggs or has a metallic taste and also appearance.

Dealing With Smelly or Rusty Water

In most cases water that smells or looks rusty is not harmful to your health. That still doesn’t make it taste or smell any better … or very appealing to drink. For some the solution is to buy bottled water which can be costly and has a negative environmental impact.

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Brenneco Plumbing Services

Brenneco Plumbing is Ready to Handle Your Plumbing Problems

Brenneco Plumbing logoKnowing a good plumber can come in handy when you find water collecting on your floor, a drain plugged up, or you are tired of drinking rusty or smelly water.

Brenneco Plumbing has been taking care of our community’s plumbing needs for over 40 years.  It has the experienced and trained plumbers that can help you with any of your plumbing needs. Read more

reverse osmosis drinking water

Reverse Osmosis Water System

Feeling Good With Pure, Clear Water

When the dog days of summer are upon us almost anything we do outside makes us thirsty. Our bodies need water to recover and feel refreshed.

reverse osmosis drinking water

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems provide clear, clean water free from impurities.

Why Good Water Is Needed for Good Health

Water, along with quenching our thirst, also lubricates our joints, nourishes and protects our organs, keeps our body temperature normal, and plays a large role in removing waste from our bodies.

So when our bodies crave water it is important to give our families the best drinking water possible. With the water in our area not always smelling or tasting the best, we often reach for a bottle of water purchased at a local store.

This option is not always convenient and can be costly to our wallets as well as to the environment. Not purchasing bottled water saves money and means less plastic to discard. Read more