Water quality | Brenneco

Is Bad Water Killing Your Plumbing?

Poor water quality can have an incredibly negative effect on the lifespan of your plumbing. If not corrected, mineral buildup can shorten the life of your water-using appliances, fixtures and pipes. Here are a few reasons you should consider taking advantage of water conditioning services.

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Clean Water | Brenneco

Why Is Clean Water Important?

In the United States, we’re blessed to have access to billions of gallons of safe, clean water. Most of us turn on the faucet, fill a glass, and take a sip without worrying about the possibility of contaminants or if our water might harm our health. But, do you know why we have access to clean drinking water or what could happen if we suddenly didn’t?

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5 Reasons You Should Install a Water Filter

We don’t think about it very often, but our bodies use water in countless ways. Yes, water quenches thirst, but did you realize that it also lubricates your joints, nourishes and protects your organs, keeps your body temperature normal, and plays a large role in removing waste from your body? Our bodies are primarily composed of water, and we can’t live more than a week without it. Put simply, we need H2O!

But if your water doesn’t taste or smell good or if your water contains contaminants, you might not want to drink water or might be doing your body more harm than good. By filtering your water, you can eliminate these problems and others. Here are five reasons installing a water filter can benefit you and your family!  

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Airing Hard Water | Brenneco Plumbing

Airing Hard Water’s “Dirty Laundry”

We know you already do laundry more than you really want to, but what if hard water is making your clothes dingier and rougher? Here are some of the many cons of hard water and how a water softener can make your laundry days (and life in general) easier.

Hard water takes a toll on your appliances…

Airing Hard Water | Brenneco PlumbingHard water comes right out of the ground and contains minerals like calcium and magnesium. These chemicals like to clog and corrode pipes and appliances, especially your washing machine (which can use up to 27 gallons of water per load, depending on the model you have). Because your washing machine uses hot water, that places it more at risk for hard water damage or even machine failure, since heat makes the clogging, corroding, and scale deposit buildup even worse. Read more

Can I improve the taste of my tap water?

Can I Improve the Taste of My Tap Water?

When all you’re after is a glass of water, it can be rather unsettling to fill your glass, take a sip, and be greeted by a metallic or egg-like taste. Poor tasting water is not an uncommon issue for home and building owners. Many people assume the only solution is to keep the refrigerator stocked with distilled or bottled water, but that isn’t the case. Treating your water can result in clean, fresh-tasting water right out of your faucet. Sounds incredible, right?  

Why does my water taste bad?

Great tasting water 002Finding the source of the problem is the first step to reaching great tap water. Ask yourself these questions: Read more

Does my sump pump need replaced?

Does My Sump Pump Need Replaced?

Whether your basement contains a carpeted home theatre or is nothing more than cinder blocks and a dirt floor, nobody wants water in their basement or crawlspace. Having water in your basement is  inconvenient if it is part of your living space, but you should be even more worried about the bigger issues — mold and serious structure damage. To avoid an indoor body of water and the problems that come with it, you need a sump pump. However, a sump pump is only helpful if it’s in tip-top shape and working properly. So, how do you know when it’s time to replace your sump pump?

What is a sump pump?

Put simply, a sump pump prevents water from entering your basement. To install one, a plumber will dig a hole in the lowest part of your basement or crawl space. When it rains or the ground gets wet, the hole will fill with water. Then, the sump pump will turn on and move the water out of the hole through pipes that run away from the foundation of your home or building and into a municipal storm drain or well. This may sound bizarre, but without a sump pump, water can seep through the walls and floors of your crawl space or basement. Read more