sump pump

Test Your Sump Pump Regularly

Testing Your Sump Pump Regularly Can Prevent a Big Mess

sump pumpSump pumps are absolutely crucial in some homes because they are used to stop water from entering your basement. For homes with finished basements, this can prevent significant losses due to flooding.

Sump pumps work hard to move water away from the home’s foundation, ensuring that your home remains free of water damage from built-up groundwater or an abundance of rainwater.

How Often Should A Sump Pump Be Tested?

Sump pumps require regular testing. How often varies depending on how often it runs and the amount of particulate that is found in your ground water.  In most cases, sump pumps should be tested every three to four months. This should involve opening the inlet screen and cleaning it, as well as, inspecting for any worn electrical cords.

The pit in which the sump pump sits should also be inspected for size and depth, as well as for evidence that the pump is working well. And the discharge location should be inspected to make sure the system is draining properly.

backup sump pump system

Sump pumps protect those important items we keep in our basements.

Do You Need A Back Up System?

Unfortunately sump pumps are mechanical devices that will eventually fail. Most are also electrically powered and do us little good when our electricity goes out in the midst of a severe storm.

To address the somewhat inevitable event of the primary sump pump in your home failing, or not working due to a power outage, backup sump pump systems are available. They come in different configurations and varying degrees of capability.

What to do if your sump pump is not working.

If you find that your sump pump is not working properly, it is important to have it repaired or replaced quickly.  Not knowing when Mother Nature will strike again, you want to make sure your sump pump is ready when it is needed.

Give Brenneco Plumbing a call at 765-448-6190 if you need help replacing your sump pump or want to look into installing a back-up sump pump system. We’ll be happy to discuss your options.

Burst water pipe

Being Ready for Cold Weather

Frigid Temps Can Cause Significant Water Damage

Frigid temperatures are forecast over the next several days and weeks. Taking a few preventative actions now can help avoid major plumbing issues and potential water damage to your home or business.

Very cold weather can lead to broken water lines and substantial water damage, especially for older homes. Cold temperatures and winter winds can push very cold air into your home and cause poorly insulated pipes in your walls, basements, and crawl spaces to freeze. Pipes that run against exterior walls that have little or no insulation are also subject to freezing.  An 1/8-inch crack in a pipe can leak up to 250 gallons of water a day, causing flooding, serious structural damage, and the immediate potential for mold.

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Man thinking about which plumber to choose.

Choosing a Plumber

Your Options When Calling a Plumber

Licensed, experienced plumber

Certified, experienced plumbers can offer several options to address your plumbing problem.

When a plumber or any trades person is called to make a service call there are normally several options available to solve your problem.

If a water line is leaking, there may be a simple fix, like patching the hole in the pipe … or you may find that, although the pipe is leaking in one spot, the entire pipe is corroded and it may be wiser to replace the entire section of pipe.

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PVC pipe plumbing repair

Drain Blockages and Leaks

What Lies Beneath Your Home Might Surprise You

Plumbing repair

A home’s plumbing, while often unseen, keeps everything flowing smoothly.

Under every home is a network of drainage pipes that keep everything in our home flowing smoothly.  But like anything else, out of sight also means out of mind for most of us.  Plumbing is something we don’t often give much thought to until we have a sink, shower or toilet back up on us.

Like anything else that has been around awhile all plumbing pipes have a life span.  Over time clay tiles, galvanized pipe, copper pipe and even plastic pipe will deteriorate.  When it does breakdown, because of corrosion or roots growing into it, that’s when we have to deal with back upped drains or leaks. Read more

tankless water heater installed

Tank-Style vs. Tankless Water Heaters

Should I Get a Tankless Water Heater?

Three to four times a month we get an inquiry at Brenneco Plumbing about “Should I get a tankless or a standard tank-style water heater?”  Of course the proverbial answer to that question is, “It depends”.  Both provide hot water for your needs, but they work differently. Depending on your home and personal water needs, one may be a better fit over the other. Read more

Brenneco Plumbing helps unclog drains!

Simple drain cleaning tips!

A clogged drain is a nuisance, no doubt. A toilet that won’t flush or a sink or tub that won’t drain can certainly put a damper on your day. Before we look at home remedies to clear a clog, let’s discuss ways to prevent a clog in the first place:

1. Place a strainer over each drain. This will catch food, hair, and other items before they enter the drain.

2. Keep drains and pipes clear of buildup by running hot water after every use. This will help wash away any residue and keep water flowing freely!

3. Baking soda and vinegar are great natural cleaners. Add these to your drain, followed by hot water, to keep it free of clogs.

Sometimes, though, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves standing ankle-deep in water when we step into the shower, or scrambling to shut off the water when the toilet is about to overflow. Here are some simple ways you can try to clear a clog without using potentially harmful chemicals or hiring a professional: Read more

Ask the Lafayette Indiana plumber questions!

Why is my basement flooding?

Basements can flood at any time. There are those who know the moment the forecast shows torrential rains heading towards Lafayette, Indiana that they must roll up their sleeves and get ready for battle against the incoming water that never drains properly. We also have the overconfident homeowner who stands firm that their home has never flooded and never will. If you have a basement, you’re at risk. Don’t be fooled.

We know basements can flood during large rainfalls or when snow melts rapidly. Basements can also be at risk in the driest of weather. Storm sewer backups, clogged drain lines, foundation leaks and groundwater can all cause unwanted water to make its way into your basement. Since they occupy the lowest level of the home, basements are below ground level and, by nature, susceptible to flooding.  Sometimes, the slope of the land your home is built upon can allow water to accumulate and have nowhere to go but let gravity take over. Read more

Lafayette Indiana Plumbers that do Drain cleaning and Drain Service.

What is a video drain inspection and how does it work?

Plumbing in Lafayette, Indiana has gone high tech. Say goodbye to the days of guessing where a drain line or sewer blockage might be. No more random hole digging in your yard leaving the neighbors to take bets on if you’re going to make their day and install a swimming pool. Plumbers can now utilize high resolution video cameras for video drain inspections. These offer a real-time look at the drain lines throughout your home and offer a view inside pipes buried under your house or embedded in a cement foundation.

The genius behind the camera is your best asset. Our trained Lafayette, Indiana area plumbers can diagnose the issues as they appear onscreen. The flexible video tube allows the camera to easily turn corners, snake through tight spots, and see existing or potential problems. If there is a blockage present, and the camera can break through it, you may be able to see as far as the city sewer lines. Read more